Friday, September 7, 2007

Seven Things I Love About My Job

Too many people just don't like their jobs; they don't look forward to getting up every day and facing one more day in the office (whether that is a literal office, the great outdoors, or sitting in your own home staring at a computer screen).

Okay, I admit, I don't much enjoy dragging myself out of my nice, comfy bed in the morning, but it has nothing to do with my job.
And no, this list is not an attempt to earn brownie points far as I know, my boss doesn't read this, nor does anyone else I work with...okay, so far as I know, the only person who has ever read this is ME!! That's okay, I'm pretty used to talking to myself!!

On with the list:
  1. Creativity--I am nearly always busy, and have projects going that MUST get done, NOW; some that I have a few weeks to work on; and some that seem to be eternally on the "backburner." But in the midst of it, there is often time to just get let a little "hey, wouldn't it be cool" idea wander about in my head for awhile until I'm ready to take it out and play with it on the graphics, cool ideas for the website, clever marketing lines, none of these things can ever really be "planned." But when they happen, it's great.
  2. Because English makes me smile--Part of what I do makes me, essentially, a professional nitpicker. I get to point out the typos and other mistakes, some of which are quite humorous. I love the English language and I love finding new ways to express the same old thing, or just fixing the little errors that can make a public flyer or brochure look totally unprofessional. (Not so crazy about the constant reminders, vis a vis typos, that remind me that nobody's perfect...)
  3. Never boring--One day I may be sitting in my tiny closet/office (it really IS a closet, or was, until they hired me), just straining my eyes and adding material to the website. The next day, I find myself out at our local university, opening one of our display kiosks with a spoon (well, the front was stuck because it'd been so long since it was opened, and I was in the company car, and all I could find was a spoon...I could've gone back for some tools, or just called Maintenance, but I'm too stubborn for that...didn't want to let the kiosk win!). It's just always something...
  4. The Experience--I have gotten to learn so many things here that I simply had no experience with before....I've learned new software (Flash and Fireworks, mostly), I've learned how the electronic signs on public buses work, I keep thinking maybe I'll even decide to learn how to drive a bus! Yes, I think I need to do that, just to say I did.
  5. The People--almost ALL of them are why I like this job. Some of them are people I really enjoy, some not so much, and some could really use some medication, but they ALL make the job interesting. Hey, if nothing else, they provide material for the rest of us to talk about!!
  6. The Area--I'm a Southern Girl, born and bred, and while there's lots of places I'd like to visit, I have NO desire to live anywhere else but right here in my hometown. So, while some go chasing "better opportunity" across the country and around the world, I'll just stay here and thank God that He made this little chunk of space in East Tennessee.
  7. The Purpose--I took my first job at a non-profit agency about 10 years ago, and I've never looked back. I could probably make more money somewhere else, but I absolutely love having a job where you know that what you are doing matters, at least a little. I may not be feeding the starving children in Africa, or getting the orphans adopted into loving homes, but what I am doing DOES matter, it DOES make things just a teeny bit better for our little corner of the world. And THAT is enough reason to do it WELL. Which reminds me of a song by Jimmy Buffet, so I'll close with the first verse and chorus of it:
"It's My Job" Jimmy Buffet
In the middle of late last night I was sittin' on a curb
I didn't know what about, but I was feelin' quite disturbed
A street sweeper came whistlin' by, he was bouncin' every step
It seemed strange how good he felt, so I asked him while he swept

It's my job to be cleaning up this mess
And that's enough reason to go for me
It's my job to be better than the rest
And that makes the day for me

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