Friday, March 28, 2008

Seven Things on My Stairs

I recently read a post from a woman who talked about all the stuff on her stairs, which gave me the idea for this list. I admit that there are currently (and almost always) MORE than seven things on my stairs. They seem to just be a collecting spot for STUFF and no matter how often you clear them, more stuff collects almost immediately. Whether it's stuff from the basement or car that I set there intending to take upstairs, or stuff from upstairs that needs to go down to the basement, I can just never seem to keep them clear for just walking on!!

So...the stuff on my stairs...or some of it, anyway...
1. Coffee cups...these are from when I'm running late, and I drink the last bit of coffee on my way down to the car, then think better of leaving the cup in the car, so I set it down on the stairs instead.
2. Books...always, always books.
3. Mail.
4. Small postal scale...don't even remember why I put that there.
5. Notebook that I need to return to someone.
6. Pens...I think these must belong to one of my sons, they're not ordinary pens, they're some of those weird "shaped" pens that look cool, but you can't actually write with them...not easily.
7. Ironically, a stair basket...for putting stuff in that usually collects on the stairs. The stair basket is often empty even when the stairs are not...