Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Seven Special Days

Days can be "special" for many reasons, not always good ones. It may be a holiday we love, it may be an anniversary or birthday, or it may be the day a loved one died or tragedy struck. They are all moments in our lives to remember, whether they remind us of a cherished memory, or strike a chord of sadness in our hearts. I've tried in this list to avoid just listing a bunch of holidays, even though many of them truly are special days to me.

1. 9/11/01... a day that truly redefined infamy
2. The day my dad died, 1/22/05...I lost a hero, but not memories.
3. The day my grandmother died, 9/10/01...she was 98, and passed away just about 10 hours before tragedy struck our entire nation...
4. The day I became a Christian, 11/10/91...the BEST day will be when I see Jesus face-to-face!
5. The day my mother nearly died, 9/12/88...she collapsed in a courthouse waiting to be calling for jury duty and was taken to the hospital...they shocked her heart numerous times, and were about to declare the time of death when the ER Dr. saw her blink and insisted on one more try...she's still here, nearly 20 years later!
6. The birth of my sons (okay, it's cheating a bit, there's two dates involved...12/7/90 and 10/28/92...but NO WAY was I gonna list one ahead of the other, even though the list isn't in order!)
7. August 27, no particular year...this day is my mother's birthday, and it was also my grandmother's birthday, AND my great-aunt's birthday. It is also the anniversary of the day one of our church youth suffered 3rd & 4th degree burns over much of her body but miraculously she is a very dear friend of mine, and I'm sure glad she's still around!

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